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Grading Scale

Listed below is Herron-Riverside High School School’s grading scale. All classes use this grading scale. Please note that Advanced Placement (AP) and Honors classes are grade-weighted.

Grading Scale

Herron-Riverside High School uses a mastery-based grading scale. In order to receive course credit, students must demonstrate that they have mastered at least 70 percent of course content. Students are required to remediate areas that need extra attention during the academic year.

Grading Scale Performance Descriptor

Student has a superior grasp of the subject matter in all indicators

A+ 99-100
A  94-98
A- 90-93

Student performance is good and above average on most indicators

B+ 88-89
B  84-87
B- 80-83

Student has an adequate grasp of the material to move to the next level

C+ 78-79
C  74-77
C- 70-73

Student has not yet attained a skill level for success

NG 69-Below

Student has outstanding material, assignments, or tests to complete

I (incomplete)